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Sketching |

a collection of works and projects centered on Sketching, illustration, rendering, ideation & concept generation.
Survival Device
Product Design


Created for the adventuring outdoorsman, this handy multi-tool/survival device grants its user the abilities to cut, measure, magnify, repair, see weather forecasts, and navigate their way through almost any situation.

Emergency Stacker
Product Design


Created for Johnson and Johnson, the Emergency Stacker emphasizes the importance of first responders to an emergency situation. This concept, tailored for use within a professional kitchen, allows for first responders to an accident in the kitchen to have access to multiple first aid kits, allowing for more victims to be attended to at one time.

Self-Lining Trashcan
Product Design

In conjunction with the Mechanical Engineering Department at California State University of Long Beach, I worked on a project to build a self-lining trash can.  The process began with many ideation sketches, which I further refined and got feedback on from the engeering team.  After this, I further refined the final concept.

OSH Shopping Cart
Product Design


After extensive interviews and research, these shopping cart designs were created with the older man or woman in mind, allowing for ease of use throughout an Orchard Supply Hardware Store, as well as creating an aesthetic pleasing to the eye that fits with the look and feel of OSH.

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